We, at Littlejohn Barristers, have developed an expertise in Long Term Disability (LTD) and Canada Pension Plan Long-Term Disability (CPPD) Claims. Most people don’t recognize it but it is imperative that you apply for and obtain your CPPD Benefits to do well on your LTD Claim. You need to apply for these benefits right away. Once you have proven that you cannot work to the federal government’s satisfaction, your LTD Carrier will treat you more seriously, you will get a better result and, in most cases, your LTD claim will resolve more quickly. You will also more readily receive other available benefits such as the Disability Tax Credit, listed medication coverage via the Trillium Plan and an MTO Disabled Parking Permit. Since March 2020, we have continued to work hard despite COVID 19 and the closure of our courtrooms. By March 12, 2021, we obtained two precedent-setting CPPD decisions. One of our recent Canada Pension Plan (CPPD) decisions, Nesbitt, was won in the course of its sixth appeal at the Federal Court of Canada level. It set new law regarding necessarily late-filed materials. The other recent CPPD decision, Whitbread, was won while our client was still working. Keep in mind that the normal requirement to obtain CPPD Benefits is that the applicant is not capable of employment. Both cases will assist all disabled individuals across Canada for the foreseeable future. Here is the first Nesbitt decision: CPP-MinutesofSettlement-2020-12-23 Here is the second: Donna Nesbitt (SST Decision - 2021-03-17) Here is the Whitbread decision: Marie Whitbread (SST Corrigendum - 2021-03-23) Remember: if your LTD Benefits are taxable, our fees are tax-deductible. If your LTD Benefits aren’t taxed, your future LTD Benefits are also not taxable. Your GP knows more about your medical situation than your employer. If your LTD Benefits have been denied: call Littlejohn Barristers at (705) 725-7355 for a free consultation.